I know many people might not be ready for correction seeing a lot of what is being taught in churches has been there for centuries but where we are now the truth has to be said. There are so many teachings that we leaders of today have never questioned but upheld blindly. There are many scriptures which tell us that we are no longer held by the dictates of the Old Covenant law. Hebrews 8, Romans 10:4, Galatians 5 and many others.

Acts 15 shows us a situation where apostles and other elders in the church assembled to discuss doctrine after certain disciples came to Antioch denouncing certain believers who were not following the Law as given by Moses. Remember Circumcision had been given to Abraham as an everlasting covenant to him and his descendants just like the issue of first fruits being addressed here. On the issue of first fruits, that's where we also have issue of first born being dedicated and belonging to God. This is different from New Covenant set up now where everything we have or own belong to God not only first borns or first salaries nor portions of increases etc. 


There are practices God has just somehow left us to open our eyes without directly rebuking us and they have nothing to do with His commands and whilst first fruits issues bring support or income to the church or its leaders it has no place in the New Covenant of Christ! When people mix things from OT and NT they sometimes say the Bible contradicts itself but no, there is truth taught in the Scriptures that can be understood in the light of Christ. All scriptures are God given and inspired for us to learn yet there are certain things that were appropriate at that time just like people in the OT would mary many wives and still remain in God's grace, people would offer animal sacrifices etc. for their salvation but now in the NT it is not the case. Kindly revisit this doctrine which is taught by many servants of God who are highly esteemed yet it lacks New Covenant backing. Even on spiritualising, not all things in the OT should be spiritualised to have NT significance. Thank you

By Howard Tundu