Submission and Kneeling:

When God said Moses was different from others He actually referred to his humility, faithfulness and the way God communicated with him. People need to submit to those in leadership but not in a carnal way of bowing and seemingly giving reference to men. God wasn't saying people could now bow to him (Moses), it wasn't happening that way. Submission was to listen to him as a leader chosen of God.

Kneeling down before the elders is a different issue and it's according to customs in a particular area, eg. It’s normally women who kneel in certain cultures. This isn't a concept we're addressing or that shouldn’t be brought into the church of Christ. As a matter of fact, the NT set up is different from OT one in that everyone can have the Spirit yet the five -fold ministers are there to be leaders. The example in the NT these leaders led by example, they wouldn't want to appear like taking the position of Christ. People respected them not in a carnal way of kneeling down but by living by the truth they taught and supporting them in ways possible. 

1Timothy 5:1 Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, older woman as mothers, younger women as sisters, with all purity.


Now these were Paul's instructions to Timothy who was pastoring people. Now if it was respecting elders, Paul wanted Timothy to respect them as his own father or mother. It was obvious on spiritual matters these elder men and women would still submit and take instructions from Timothy. Timothy would still treat them like his parents in addressing them when it comes to handling them.


The scriptures show everyone has the anointing only that gifts differ in their operation and manifestation. Acknowledging the Anointing can be synonymous to accepting someone's ministry. This should not be done taking a posture of bowing before men. Acts 10:25 As Peter entered the house, Cornelius met him and fell at his feet in reverence 26 But Peter made him get up. “Stand up,” he said, “I am only a man myself.” One can talk to God directly because the person or minister who carries the anointing plus the anointing he carries is not equal to God to be bowed to. Peter at Cornelius' house he refused to have him offer that gesture saying we are fellow brothers together with other believers. We don't bow to the gift or anointing which is a fragrant of what God can offer we bow to God.


Any problem watching pornographic materials?

Many Christians are not sure whether God permits them to watch pornographic materials. Some people say as long as they would not indulge in sinful acts after watching the materials then they are fine before God, whilst some married couples argue that they watch together with spouses and do the act solely with their spouses.


I want to highlight here that sexual experiences have to be experienced in a proper marriage relationship. The Bible is so clear that we are not to expose our nakedness to anyone who is not our marriage partner. When we allow ourselves to view the nakedness of other people, we are allowing ourselves to be unclean before God. The people we watch doing the act on those pornographic items have already violated the principles of holiness and watching them means we promote sinful acts even though we will not do it ourselves. 


There are many scriptures which talk about sexual immorality, adultery in the heart, sexual pervasion, uncleanness and so forth and I will not go into any details about these scriptures since one can quickly look for them in the Bible (Ezekiel 23:5-20, Mathew5:27-28; Galatians 5:19, and so forth). I just want everyone to consider the few points I mentioned and know that God wants us to be holy and clean. 


There is also danger of spirit transference and God does not want us to be exposed to unclean spirits of sexual immorality that are associated with pornographic items. Married people can also be exposed and find themselves under the influence of controlling sexual spirits. 


Thus apart from fuelling ungodly sexual desire amongst the youth and the unmarried, pornographic materials originate from sinful engagements and Christians should keep away from them, and never seek to learn from them. If we need to learn we can engage fellow Christians who have acquired knowledge and wisdom and they can teach us at the right times in ways which are not sinful before God.



This is the answer given to those who sought to know the boundaries on Christian entertainment: We believe there is no problem being a Christian who is social. All things should be done to the Glory of God. Our entertainment should not violate the principles of Christianity and everything should be done to the Glory of God. I personally encourage music and films/ movies that Glorify God yet other times we may listen to other music or watch certain films that promote good morals and godly values, even those that were produced by people who are non-gospel artists. Personal discretion is important in such matters. The same applies to watching or participating in sport or games; it does not take away one’s spirituality or salvation as long as one is conscious of personal responsibility before God. However, certain entertainment is produced by people who through the act have violated standards of Christianity through sexual immorality and perversion as in pornography, or any form of filthiness that violates God’s principles for holiness. 

 Thus watching pornographic materials for entertainment or to learn is not in line with Godly standards of being untainted by sin or impurity, even as this could also invite lustful spirits or sexual demons. This also applies to taking interest in listening to or reading news that is unclean.