
Posts from 2017-05-31

Warfare Against the Enemy. (Portion from Howard Tundu’s Complete Deliverance Handbook)

The way I understand warfare is that as Believers in Christ, we are co-workers with God and we are His messengers on earth. We are His soldiers engaged in warfare to claim possessions and occupy for Christ. We sometimes engage in such warfare for our personal lives, for the lost souls, delivering the captives, healing the sick, enforcing our victory, and so forth.

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First Fruits

I know many people might not be ready for correction seeing a lot of what is being taught in churches has been there for centuries but where we are now the truth has to be said. There are so many teachings that we leaders of today have never questioned but upheld blindly. There are many scriptures which tell us that we are no longer held by the dictates of the Old Covenant law. Hebrews 8, Romans 10:4, Galatians 5 and many others.

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Ministry Offices By Howard Tundu

(Ephesians 4:11-12) "It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up"

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Answers to some Controversial Topics

Submission and Kneeling:

When God said Moses was different from others He actually referred to his humility, faithfulness and the way God communicated with him. People need to submit to those in leadership but not in a carnal way of bowing and seemingly giving reference to men. God wasn't saying people could now bow to him (Moses), it wasn't happening that way. Submission was to listen to him as a leader chosen of God.

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Gift of Word of Knowledge, Gift of Word of Wisdom & Gift of Prophecy

Both Word of Knowledge and Word of Wisdom gifts fall under the gifts that reveal information. The Word of knowledge is information already there but now the Holy Spirit is revealing it to someone at a given time. The information supernaturally revealed is about events or circumstances in people’s lives, nations, church, the Word or any sphere of life that God has chosen to impart knowledge to us.

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